Layer 1

Qwilr + Salesforce Templates


Templates in Qwilr allow users of our Salesforce integration to create consistently perfect documents in seconds. 

Templates work by allowing users to replace variable text fields (such as 'Name' / 'CompanyName' / 'PhoneNumber' / 'IndustryId' / 'Date') with the information stored in your Salesforce account. 

For the full variety of available options - see the Salesforce Variable Fields

Common Uses

You can use Templates for any kind of document or webpage - but here are some of the common ones




Company Overview

Product Overview

Service Overview

Sales Brochure / Pamphlet

Indicative Proposal

Indicative Quote

Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Case Study

Landing Page


& anything else you dream up!


Once you have figured out the list of documents that you want to make as templates the process is very similar to building a normal Qwilr. 

Step one - Create: 

Create a Qwilr Page that you (& your team) love.

You can start from scratch, work with your Account Manager if you are on an Enterprise plan, use one of our pre-designed templates, or you could work with one of our recommended Qwilr Specialists (just email [email protected] to get an introduction). 

Step two - Variables:

Replace the variable fields that you want with the correct variable in two sets of curly braces - such as the examples below. Make sure to use the correct variable & to test them before use! 

Click here for a detailed overview of Salesforce Variables.

Step three - Tag: 

If you are using Salesforce, you will now need to tag the project to have it appear in the right locations. 

Important: All tags must be replicated EXACTLY as they are case sensitive. 

A) Tag ALL salesforce templates with: sfdc 

B) Tag the templates with the location(s) that you wish them to appear - the options are: account / lead / contact / opportunity. These must be done exactly - if you use 'Lead' or 'leads' the system will not link the tag to the Salesforce object. 

Step Four - Test: 

Test the output to make sure that it is working as intended & fix any issues that you have. As always - you can reach out to the friendly Qwilr team to help you in any way needed. 

That's it! All done :) 


Text only

Qwilr can only find & replace text (letters and numbers) - we cannot replace images, videos, embedded content, URLs, etc. However, we can do this via the Foundry API. If you'd like to learn more about Foundry reach out to the team via [email protected]

Quote Block & Price Books 

We cannot (yet) replace text, nor numbers, within the functional part of the Quote Block. You can change the Header or other explanatory text at the top, but you will have to edit the quote block normally. If you would like to be part of the Quote Block beta group please get in touch with us via [email protected]

Important Notes

  1. Any variable that does not have any relevant information is automatically defaulted to a blank. That's why we're using an image in the example above. 
  2. All variable fields are case sensitive. 

Have fun!